MMS Message Designer

Easily upload text, images, sound and video to design high-impact, branded mobile advertising.

MMS Optimiser

Behind-the-scenes algorithms work hard to optimise your content for the best experience on every mobile device.

Merge Tags

Customise your campaigns with customer names, QR codes, coupons, unique links to microsites and Facebook pages, and more.

Campaign Scheduler

Flexible scheduling lets you set your campaign to launch right now or at the optimal time for your audience.


Build on your success. Track each campaign’s reach, message open rates, and more.


Seamlessly integrate the key2cell platform to build sophisticated workflows, save time and add convenience.

Spam Prevention

Maintain good customer relations. Automatically filter for opt-out and do-not-call list phone numbers.

User Management

Control brand and campaign integrity. Grant team members access based on what you want them to do.

Cloud Based, Secure Platform

Don’t worry. Your customers’ information is secure — no matter what.

Questions? Contact us